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Thursday, 21. March 2013. 10:03

Meeting Mr. Davidović – Mr. Walker

Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Damir Davidović, received Mr. Laurie Walker, Chief of the NATO Desk for Montenegro.

Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Damir Davidović met today with the expert of SIGMA program Mr. Klaus Goetz and representative of the program Mr. Klas Klaas, who paid two days visit to Montenegro.

Mr Krivokapić,
May I first thank you for your kind and gracious letter offering congratulations on my recent success at the Brit Awards.I was surprised and humbled by your words and the fact that you made the time to write. Amongst the many letters and calls I received, this was indeed special, and I am happy that I am able to share my success with you and citizens of Montenegro.

Friday, 29. March 2013. 09:57

Meeting Krivokapić - Stenzler

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić held talks today with representatives of the Jewish National Fund headed by Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Efi Stenzler.

Wednesday, 27. March 2013. 09:58

Meeting Davidović – Krousti

Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro will hold talks with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus.

The Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr.  Damir Davidović met today with the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus in Montenegro H.E. Nafsika Krousti.

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message on the occasion of the greatest Christian holiday - Easter, to the believers who observe the Gregorian calendar, the Bishop of Kotor Monsignor Ilija Janjić and the Archbishop of Bar Monsignor Zef Gaši as well as the clergy.

Monday, 10. December 2012. 09:47

Meeting Mustafić - Cas Granje

Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Suljo Mustafić, received today the Director for Montenegro, Croatia, Iceland, Macedonia and Turkey at the European Commission Directorate General for Enlargement, Ms. Alexandra Cas Granje.

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