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The Meeting will be held in the Cabinet of the President, at 13:00.

President thanked the ODIHR Mission for its presence during the presidential elections.

The good relations of parliaments of Montenegro and Ukraine, as well as overall good relations between two countries were emphasized during the talk.

President Krivokapić to meet in Copenhagen with the Speaker of the Danish Parliament, Mr. Mogens Lykketoft, and to participate at the meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Bureau.

The Vice-President of the Parliament Mr. Branko Radulović, professor PhD, met with several Croatian officials during his visit to Croatia.

Mr Krivokapić  pointed out his gratitude regarding the fact that it was precisely during the Danish presiding over the European Union Montenegro had opened its pre-accession negotiations.

They exchanged opinions on the current political affairs, as well as the role of the Parliament and political actors in the process of Euro-Atlantic integration of Montenegro.

Regarding allegations of the President of the Supreme Court, Ms. Vesna Medenica, at the press conference held today, in the context of mentioning the name of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, related to the issues on the situation in judiciary, the Cabinet of the President of the Parliament delivers the statement of the following content:

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