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Head of the permanent delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić participates in the gathering

On day three of the 61st Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the following committees held meetings: Defense and Security Committee, Science and Technology Committee, Committee on Civil Dimension of Security and Political Committee

On day two of the 61st Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the following committees held meetings: Defense and Security Committee, Economics and Security Committee, Committee on Civil Dimension of Security and Political Committee

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro composed of Mr Obrad Stanišić and Mr Rifat Rastoder

A discussion was held on “Energy Security in the South Caucasus”, moderated by Mr Sverre Myrli, Norway, Chairperson of the NATO PA Sub-committee on Transatlantic Defence and Security Cooperation

89th Rose-Roth Seminar of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly titled: “Security and Stability in the South Caucasus: Fostering Enduring Regional Peace”, is held in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia, and the gathering is hosted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. 

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