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Skupština Crne Gore

Member of the Parliament, Branka Tanasijević, participated in the work of the Conference ″European Health Forum Gastein″, which was held in the period from 1 to 3 October 2014, in Bad Hofgastein, Austria.

Bad Hofgastein, 1 – 3 October 2014

Round table on the topic "Improving the environmental situation in Montenegro", which was held today in the Parliament of Montenegro, was opened by the President of the Parliament Ranko Krivokapić, and was chaired by Vice President of the Parliament Branko Radulović prof PhD as the submitter of the Proposal for the Resolution on the Environment.

On the occasion of the information that was published in the daily "Informer" over the past weekend, and which was related to the allocation of funds for solving the housing problems of employees in the Parliament of Montenegro, in order to provide public with precise information, we would like to point out that the mentioned information is not true. 

Parliament of Montenegro is hosting the Regional Meeting of the Legislative Openness Working Group, in the frameworks of the Open Government Partnership, which will be held in Podgorica on 15 and 16 September, on the subject of ″Expanding Civic Engagement and Strengthening Parliament through Legislative Openness″.

Parliament of Montenegro is hosting the Regional Meeting of the Legislative Openness Working Group, in the frameworks of the Open Government Partnership, which will be held in Podgorica on 15 and 16 September, on the subject of ″Expanding Civic Engagement and Strengthening Parliament through Legislative Openness″.

Sunday, 07. September 2014. 00:00

Regional Parliamentary Conference ended in Budva

Conclusions and recommendations adopted

Saturday, 06. September 2014. 00:00

Regional Parliamentary Conference commenced in Budva

Regional Parliamentary Conference, under the topic ″The role of parliaments in the oversight of energy policies and investments in the energy sector in the Western Balkans countries″ commenced today in Budva

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