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Izložba povodom Dana parlamentarizma

Povodom 31. oktobra, Dana parlamentarizma, u Galeriji „Art“ u Podgorici, u poneđeljak u 11 sati, biće otvorena izložba radova iz umjetničke kolekcije Skupštine Crne Gore.…

Latest News

  1. Activities of Working Bodies
  2. Meetings of Working Bodies
Vuković na XII međunarodnoj konferenciji ECPD
28. October 2016.
Vuković na XII međunarodnoj konferenciji ECPD Beograd, 28. i 29. oktobar 2016. godine
Sastanak delegacija Odbora za ekonomiju, finansije i budžet i MMF-a
27. October 2016.
Sastanak delegacija Odbora za ekonomiju, finansije i budžet i MMF-a Predśednik i zamjenik predśednika Odbora, Aleksandar Damjanović i Damir Šehović, sastali su se sa delegacijom Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda (MMF), koja boravi u Crnoj Gori, kako bi pružila tehničku podrške za postavljanje makroprudencionog okvira i vođenje makroprudencione politike.
Mr Miodrag Vuković participates in St. Luka’s gathering
22. October 2016.
Mr Miodrag Vuković participates in St. Luka’s gathering Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Miodrag Vuković participated in the event “St. Luka’s gathering”, held today in the organisation of the National Community of Montenegrins in Croatia and Association of Montenegrins and friends of Montenegro "Montenegro" Zagreb.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava ends
18. October 2016.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava ends Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro - Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović and member of the Committee Mr Veljko Zarubica participated in the conference.   
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava begins
17. October 2016.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava begins Within the parliamentary dimension of the semi-annual Slovak presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union has been opened in Bratislava today
Mr Damjanović and Mr Zarubica at the Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava
17. October 2016.
Mr Damjanović and Mr Zarubica at the Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava Session on strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union and on fight against tax evasion


Resolution on Manner, Quality and Pace of Integration Process of Montenegro to EU

Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA)

Stabilisation and association agreement (SSA) with Montenegro

Interim Agreement on trade and trade related issues


Acts of the Parliament of Montenegro

Deklaracija o pridruživanju Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji

Rezolucija o ispunjavanju obaveza Crne Gore u okviru SSP

Rezolucija o neophodnosti ubrzanja procesa integracije Crne Gore u evropske i evroatlantske strukture


Resolutions of the European Parliament on Montenegro

European Parliament resolution on the 2012 Progress Report on Montenegro


European Commission Progress Reports on Montenegro

Mišljenje Evropske komisije o zahtjevu Crne Gore za članstvo u EU

Commission Opinion on Montenegro's application for membership of the European Union

Council conclusion on granting Montenegro candidate status

Izvještaj Evropske komisije o napretku Crne Gore za 2012. godinu

Izvještaj o napretku za 2011. Godinu, koji prati saopštenje Komisije Evropskom parlamentu i Savjetu „Strategija proširenja i glavni izazovi 2011- 2012”

Izjava Komisije za Evropski parlament i Savjet „Strategija proširenja i glavni izazovi 2010-2011”

Izvještaj Evropske komisije o napretku Crne Gore za 2009. godinu, koje prati saopštenje Komisije Evropskom parlamentu i Savjetu „ Strategija proširenja i glavni izazovi 2009 - 2010".

Izvještaj Evropske komisije o napretku Crne Gore za 2008. godinu

Izvještaj Evropske komisije o napretku Crne Gore za 2007. godinu


European Commission Reports on Analytical Overview of Harmonisation of Legislation

Screening Report Montenegro - Chapter 26 – Education and Culture

Screening report Montenegro - Chapter 25 – Science and Research

Screening report Montenegro - Chapter 24 – Justice, freedom and security

Screening report Montenegro - Chapter 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights


Reports on honouring of SAA obligations

Osmi Izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, jul - septembar 2012. godine

Sedmi Izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, april - jun 2012. godine

Šesti Izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, januar - mart 2012. godine

Peti Izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, oktobar - decembar 2011. godine

Četvrti Izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, jul - septembar 2011. godine

Treći Izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju, april - jun 2011. godine


Reports on overall activities within the EU accession process

Trideseti kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije I pridruživanja EU, za period oktobar-decembar 2012. godine

Dvadeset deveti kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period jul – septembar 2012. godine

Dvadeset osmi kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period april – jun 2012. godine

Dvadeset sedmi kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period januar – mart 2012. godine

Dvadeset šesti kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period oktobar – decembar 2011. godine

Dvadeset peti kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period jul - septembar 2011. godine

Dvadeset četvrti kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period april – jun 2011. godine

Dvadeset treći kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period januar – mart 2011. godine

Dvadeset drugi kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period oktobar – decembar 2010. godine

Dvadeset prvi kvartalni izvještaj o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period jul - septembar 2010. godine

Drugih deset kvartalnih izvještaja o ukupnim aktivnostima u okviru procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja EU, za period januar 2008. godine – jun 2010. godine

Prvih deset kvartalnih izvještaja Vlade Crne Gore posvećenih ostvarivanju procesa stabilizacije i pridruživanja, od skupštinske Deklaracije o pridruživanju Evropskoj uniji, juna 2005. godine, do skupštinske Rezolucije o ispunjavanju obaveza Crne Gore u okviru Sporazuma o stabilizaciji i pridruživanju decembra 2007. godine


Action Plan on implementation of recommendations from the opinion of the European Commission, with monthly reports on honouring of obligations from the Action Plan

Akcioni plan praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije, Podgorica, 17. februar 2011. godine.

Informacija o realizaciji ključnih aktivnosti iz Akcionog plana sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - novembar 2011. godine

Deveti mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 29. decembar 2011. godine

Osmi mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 27. novembar 2011. godine

Sedmi mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 27. oktobar 2011. godine

Šesti mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 29. septembar 2011. godine

Peti mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 28. jul 2011. godine

Četvrti mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 30. jun 2011. godine

Treći mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 26. maj 2011. godine

Drugi mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 28. april 2011. godine

Prvi mjesečni izvještaj o realizaciji obaveza iz Akcionog plana praćenja sprovođenja preporuka iz Mišljenja Evropske komisije - 17. mart 2011. godine


Appendixes to the European Commission Progress Reports on Montenegro  

Prilog izvještaju Evropske komisije o napretku Crne Gore za 2012. godinu za period 1. septembar 2011.- 25. april 2012. godine

Prilog izvještaju Evropske komisije Crne Gore za 2012. godinu za period 25.april - 1. septembar 2012.godine

Prilog za Proljećni izvještaj Evropske komisije o ispunjavanju sedam ključnih prioriteta za period 1. septembra 2011. - 1. marta 2012. godine


Other important documents for the EU integration process 

Agreement between the Republic of Montenegro and the European community on the readmission of persons residing without authorisation

Agreement between the Republic of Montenegro and the European community on the facilitation of the issuance of visas

Nacionalni program za integraciju Crne Gore u EU (NPI) za period 2008-2012. godina

National program for integration (NPI) 2008-2012.

Komunikaciona strategija za informisanje javnosti o Evropskoj uniji i pripremama Crne Gore za članstvo za period 2010 – 2014. godine

Informacija o aktivnostima na implementaciji Komunikacione strategije za informisanje javnosti o procesu pridruživanja Crne Gore Evropskoj uniji u 2010. godini, usvojena na sjednici Vlade održanoj 31. marta 2011. godine

Parliament of Montenegro has a key role in monitoring the course of accession negotiations with the EU and harmonizing the legislation with the EU acquis. Also, Article 15 of the Constitution of Montenegro (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 01/07) stipulates that the Parliament shall decide on the manner of accession to the European Union.

Decision on amendments to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro no. 51/06 and 66/06 and Official Gazette of Montenegro no. 88/09, 80/10, 39/11 and 25/12) is adopted in May 2012, at the Fourth Session of the First Ordinary (Spring) Session of the 24th Convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro with the aim of strengthening the role of the Parliament of Montenegro in the process of the EU integration, including the adequate oversight of the Parliament over the activities of the Government and control of harmonization of laws with the EU acquis. Instead of earlier Committee on International Relations and European Integration, two Committees are formed by this Decision, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants and the Committee on European Integration, which represents the key parliamentary body in monitoring negotiations with the EU. Committee on European Integration is responsible for monitoring accession negotiations of Montenegro to the EU, control and assessment of the course of negotiations and providing opinion and guidelines on behalf of the Parliament of Montenegro on prepared negotiating positions, considering information on negotiation process and considering and providing opinion on issues that arise during the negotiation, as well as considering and assessing operation of negotiation team. Also, competencies of certain number of committees are extended by amendments to the Rules of Procedure and thus seven line committees (Committee on Political System, Justice and Administration, Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget, Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Gender Equality Committee, Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning, Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sports and Committee on Health, Labor and Social Welfare) within its competence monitor and asses harmonization of Montenegrin law with the EU acquis communautaire and based on the report of the Government, monitor and asses law enforcement, especially the laws and obligations arising from it that are harmonized with the EU acquis.

Secretaries of line committees, that is, their services, prepare briefing paper for every proposal of the law considered at the meeting which contains the assessment of harmonization of the proposal of the law with the EU acquis based on the table of concordance review prepared by the Government, as well as through comparing with other relevant information and documents set up in the accession negotiation process.

In addition, representatives of the Service of the Parliament, as members, participate in all working groups for preparation of negotiations by negotiation chapters, formed by the Government. This is the first time that the parliament of a certain candidate country for membership participates in the screening stage, i.e. the stage of analytic review and assessment of harmonization of national legislation with the EU acquis communautaire. Thus, employees of the Parliament have the possibility to acquire detailed insight into the overall acquis of the European Union, by negotiation chapters, with which national legislation should be harmonized, including information on new and planned regulations of the European Union and to have complete overview of present level of harmonization of Montenegrin legislation with the primary and secondary EU acquis, as well. Acquired knowledge and information are very valuable and useful in providing professional support to members of the parliament in performing their legislative and control duty.

In March 2013, Collegium of the President of Montenegro adopted Action Plan for strengthening legislative and control role of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2013, which, inter alia, envisaged activities related to the role of the Committee on European Integration primarily, as well as cooperation of this Committee with line committees aimed at adopting better legislation and more successful course of accession negotiation:

  • Considering draft negotiating positions by chapters at the meetings of the Committee on European Integration and providing opinion and suggestions, as well as, if necessary, holding meetings in order to receive information on preparation of negotiating positions from negotiation structures of the Government; the Committee will define a model of participation of line committees members at these meetings.

  • Committee on European Integration will organize meetings at least once quarterly, where it will consider the progress in accession negotiation in every negotiation chapter for which negotiations have begun and where, if necessary, interested members of line committees will be invited.

  • Committee on European Integration, in cooperation with line committees, will organize thematic forums on certain negotiation chapters, in the form of public debates, round tables, etc., where professional and other interested public would have an opportunity to state its opinions and suggestions prior to determining negotiating positions and considerations by the Committee.

  • Committee on European Integration will regularly consider reports on implementation of obligations from SAA and quarterly reports on overall activities.

Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro adopted Legislative Work Plan of the Parliament of Montenegro on 19th March 2013, that is, the review of the proposal of laws planned for 2013. At the same time, this document represents a plan of harmonizing the legislation of Montenegro with the EU acquis communautaire. The Plan is drawn up on the basis of the Work Program of the Government for 2013. as well as the Activities Plan on fulfilling recommendations from the Report of the European Commission on the progress of Montenegro for 2012.

Administrative capacities in the light of the EU integration

Service of the Parliament developed database included in tables of concordance which can be searched both on Montenegrin and English language, as well as the base where screening lists and supporting documents of importance during the screening process could be inserted in.

Project of professional support to the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro was realized in the period between September 2011 and June 2012, in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, aimed at strengthening the capacity of the Parliament to monitor proposed laws and their harmonization with the EU acquis. Trainings in the field of legislation harmonization and monitoring the impact assessment of regulations are realized within the Cooperation Program between the Parliament of Montenegro and Westminster Foundation for Democracy.

The Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro regulates cooperation of the Parliament with the parliaments of the EU and European Parliament, including participation of delegations of parliamentary committees at joint meetings of committees in charge for different fields which are regularly organized in the country presiding over the EU. Also, members of the parliament and employees in the Service of the Parliament participate in activities organized within the program of support of European Parliament for countries of Western Balkans and Turkey. Parliament of Montenegro was a host of the regional workshop in June 2012 where it was discussed about the role of the parliament in the process of negotiation, and which was organized in cooperation with the European Parliament. High level meeting was held a year before, which was organized in cooperation with the National Council for European Integration and European Commission, and which was, in addition to Members of the Parliament, attended by high officials of EC Directorate for Enlargement and ministers in charge for seven priority fields, earlier assessed as key fields for opening the negotiations.

Extracts from the European Commission Montenegro Progress Report for 2012

As it was stated in the European Commission Progress Report for 2012 “New Rules of Procedure regulates that parliamentary committees are in charge of monitoring the implementation and harmonization of new legislation with the EU acquis communautaire in the fields of their competence. Their capacities and expertize should be further strengthened in that regard… The Parliament continued active legislative activity, including certain number of fields related to European integration, such as prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism and revision of resources from the EU Funds. As a whole, progress has been achieved in terms of functioning of the Parliament and its legislative and control role in issues related to the rule of law. Implementation of recently adopted election legislation has begun and administrative and professional capacities of the Parliament have been strengthened. Transparency has been enhanced and standalone committees are envisaged for European integration and fight against corruption. It is necessary to increase efforts taken with the aim of enhancing legislative and control capacities of the Parliament.”

Parliament of Montenegro and the EU – chronological overview

The Parliament established the Committee on European Integration in October 2003, by special decision, as permanent working body in charge for initiating harmonization of legislation with the EU acquis. By adoption of the new Rules of Procedure of Montenegro in 2006, the Committee on European Integration was renamed in the Committee on International Relations and European Integration, and its competencies and membership have been extended.

With the Declaration on association adopted in 2005, the Parliament invited the Government to “submit to the Parliament the report on implemented activities and obligations of Montenegro with regard to the EU stabilization and association process at least once in three months”. Parliament of Montenegro adopted the Resolution on fulfilling the obligations of Montenegro within Stabilization and Association Agreement on 27th December 2007, determining the model of regular monitoring report on implementation of the Agreement, submitted to the Parliament by the Government. Parliament of Montenegro adopted Resolution on the need to accelerate the process of integration of Montenegro into the European and Euro-Atlantic structures on 3rd October 2008.

Parliament of Montenegro adopted Decision on establishing National Council for European Integration (NCEI) on 19th March 2008, as strategic and advisory body aimed at contributing to better coordination and oversight of Stabilization and Association Agreement and monitoring future accession negotiations of Montenegro to the EU.

Amendments to the Rules of Procedure from 2012 regulate that the Committee on International Relations and European Integration is divided to the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants and the Committee on European Integration, and competencies of line committees have been extended to monitoring the harmonization of Montenegrin laws with the EU acquis communautaire. At the same time, NCEI is abolished.         


In December 2010, Montenegro became candidate country for European Union (EU) membership. At the Summit in Brussels, heads of state and government of the EU confirmed the opening of negotiations on Montenegro’s accession on 29th June 2012. After a positive decision, a new negotiations approach had been started with Montenegro, according to which Chapter 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights and Chapter 24 – Justice, freedom and security will remain open until the end of negotiating process. In that regard, the explanatory and bilateral screening meetings for these two chapters were the first to be held. For chapters 23 and 24 the explanatory screening meetings were held from 25th to 29th March 2012, while the bilateral screening meetings were held from 23rd to 25th May 2012 for chapter 24 and from 30th to 31st May 2012 for chapter 23.

In the negotiation process so far, two chapters had been opened and temporarily closed – on 18th December 2012 the chapter 25 – Science and research had been opened and temporarily closed, and in April 2013 the chapter 26 – Education and culture had been opened and temporarily closed.

History of EU – Montenegro relations

At the referendum held on 21st May 2006, Montenegro’s independence had been voted. In June 2006, the European Council confirmed the European perspective of the country by recognising its independence. In that same year in September, a political dialogue at the level of ministers had been established between the Government of Montenegro and the EU institutions. On the 22nd January 2007, the EU Council adopted the decision on adoption of the new European partnership with Montenegro. The Government’s response was adoption of the Action Plan for implementation of recommendations of the European partnership in May 2007.

Montenegro signed the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) on 15th October 2007, which came into force on 1st May 2010, after ratification by the EU member states. The Agreement was ratified by the Parliament of Montenegro on 13th November 2007. Meanwhile, Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters, which came into force on 1st January 2008, was being implemented.

The procedure regarding the agreements between the EU and Montenegro on visa liberalisation and readmission followed, which started 1st January 2008. Visa liberalisation came into force on 19th December 2009, for all the Montenegrin citizens travelling to the Schengen zone countries.

Montenegro submitted its application for the EU membership on 15th December 2008. In accordance with the Article 49 of the EU Agreement, on 23rd April 2009, all member states requested from the European Commission to prepare its opinion on the application.

On 22nd July 2009, the European Commissioner for Enlargement Mr Olli Rehn, submitted to the Government of Montenegro the Questionnaire to assist in preparation of assessment of the country’s readiness to fulfil the obligations imposed by the EU membership. The replies had been delivered on the 9th December that year.

As of 2007, the European Commission has been regularly issuing Progress Reports on Montenegro. The last one was published on 10th October 2012. The report states that the country achieved progress in establishing a functional market economy, improved capability of undertaking commitments stemming from the EU membership and still fulfils political criteria for the EU membership.

Montenegro received financial assistance from the EU under the Instruments for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). In the period from 2007 to 2013, Montenegro will receive assistance in the total amount of 235.2 million euros from IPA funds. Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document for Montenegro was adopted in November 2011, and entered into force on 1st March 2012. The EU has provided financial support for development of civil society within the Mechanism for Support to Civil Society. Montenegro participates in the following EU Programmes: the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for Research and Technological Development, the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) and the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT-PSP), both within the framework program for competitiveness and innovation, as well as the Programmes Culture 2007 - 2013 and Customs 2013.

Diplomatic relations between Montenegro and the European Community are led via Montenegro’s Mission in Brussels, which is completely operational since 2006, and the EU Delegation to Montenegro, in Podgorica, which started working in November 2007.

Important dates in Montenegro’s accession to the EU process



21st May 2006

Montenegro’s independence voted at the Referendum

3rd June 2006

The Parliament declared independence of Montenegro

22nd January 2007

The Council adopted the European partnership for Montenegro

15th October 2007

Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) between Montenegro and EU signed in Luxembourg

1st November 2007

Delegation of the European Commission in Podgorica started its work

1st January 2008

Interim Agreement on trade and trade-related matters, Agreement on Visa Liberalisation, and Agreement on Readmission came into force

15th December 2008

Montenegro submitted an application for EU membership

23rd April 2009

The Council submitted the request to the European Commission to prepare the opinion on Montenegro’s membership application

22nd July 2009  

In Podgorica, the Commissioner Rehn presented the Prime Minister Mr Milo Đukanović with the European Commission’s Questionnaire

26th November 2009

The Government considered and adopted the Final Report on implemented activities regarding preparation of the answers to the European Commission’s Questionnaire

9th December 2009

Prime Minister of the Government of Montenegro Mr Milo Đukanović submitted answers to the European Commission’s Questionnaire to the European Commissioner for EU Enlargement Ollie Rehn in Brussels

1st May 2010

Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) came into force

9th November 2010

The European Commission issued a positive Opinion on readiness of Montenegro for membership, recommending to have the Council award the candidate status to Montenegro

17th December 2010

The European Council awarded Montenegro the candidate status

9th December 2011

The European Council welcomed the assessment of the European Commission on the good progress of Montenegro; in order to open negotiations with Montenegro in June 2012, the European Council put the Council in charge of considering progress of Montenegro in implementing reforms with special focus on the fields of legal state and fundamental rights, especially in combating corruption and organised crime, and based on the Commission Report presented in the first half of 2012

8th March 2012

The Government of Montenegro adopted a Decision on forming the Working Group for preparation of Montenegro’s accession to the EU in the area of acquis communautaire relating to the negotiation chapters 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights and 24 – Justice, freedom and security

25th - 29th March 2012

Explanatory screening meetings for chapters 23 and 24 held in Brussels

26th June 2012

The European Council supported the assessment of the Commission that Montenegro meets the membership criteria and that it should start the accession negotiations, on 29th June 2012

29th June 2012

Accession negotiations started

18th December 2012

Temporarily closed chapter 25 – SCIENCE AND RESEARCH

15th April 2013

Temporarily closed chapter 26 – EDUCATION AND CULTURE

18th April 2013

The European Parliament adopted the Resolution on Montenegro