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Izložba povodom Dana parlamentarizma

Povodom 31. oktobra, Dana parlamentarizma, u Galeriji „Art“ u Podgorici, u poneđeljak u 11 sati, biće otvorena izložba radova iz umjetničke kolekcije Skupštine Crne Gore.…

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  1. Activities of Working Bodies
  2. Meetings of Working Bodies
Vuković na XII međunarodnoj konferenciji ECPD
28. October 2016.
Vuković na XII međunarodnoj konferenciji ECPD Beograd, 28. i 29. oktobar 2016. godine
Sastanak delegacija Odbora za ekonomiju, finansije i budžet i MMF-a
27. October 2016.
Sastanak delegacija Odbora za ekonomiju, finansije i budžet i MMF-a Predśednik i zamjenik predśednika Odbora, Aleksandar Damjanović i Damir Šehović, sastali su se sa delegacijom Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda (MMF), koja boravi u Crnoj Gori, kako bi pružila tehničku podrške za postavljanje makroprudencionog okvira i vođenje makroprudencione politike.
Mr Miodrag Vuković participates in St. Luka’s gathering
22. October 2016.
Mr Miodrag Vuković participates in St. Luka’s gathering Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Miodrag Vuković participated in the event “St. Luka’s gathering”, held today in the organisation of the National Community of Montenegrins in Croatia and Association of Montenegrins and friends of Montenegro "Montenegro" Zagreb.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava ends
18. October 2016.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava ends Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro - Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović and member of the Committee Mr Veljko Zarubica participated in the conference.   
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava begins
17. October 2016.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava begins Within the parliamentary dimension of the semi-annual Slovak presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union has been opened in Bratislava today
Mr Damjanović and Mr Zarubica at the Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava
17. October 2016.
Mr Damjanović and Mr Zarubica at the Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava Session on strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union and on fight against tax evasion

Cetinje Parliamentary Forum is the autochthonous regional initiative of parliamentary cooperation of South East European countries on their way towards the EU, and an important form of encouragement and promotion of parliamentary dialogue between the countries of the region.

CPF was designed and launched by the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro in cooperation with the Parliament of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in February 2004. CPF is the initiative that encourages and promotes parliamentary dialogue between the countries of the region. Recommendations of the EU’s Thessaloniki summit outlined the best path towards Euro-Atlantic integration through regional cooperation of the Western Balkans countries. The idea to institute CPF, as the broadest form of parliamentary cooperation, was born in order to establish parliamentary cooperation between the countries in the region. The Government of Montenegro, OSCE and the UK government financially supported this initiative. The aim of CPF is to promote cooperation, transfer knowledge and experience and strengthen relations in order to maintain continuity in terms of closer parliamentary cooperation and diplomacy in the region, to improve bilateral and multilateral relations, as well as bring together representatives of legislative institutions in the countries that share common historical and cultural heritage, and the European perspective. Through years of its existence CPF gathered over 500 MPs from the region and partner countries members of the European Union, who discussed in an open and straightforward the current issues in the region related to foreign policy, education, culture, economy, security, etc.

Montenegro has been recognized as a factor of stability in the region, a country that nurtures and promotes regional cooperation and good- neighbourly relations and a country that is fully committed in establishing and developing cooperation at international level.

Taking into account all the specificities of national parliaments, they represent the best link between the European and national level at transposing standards, which makes parliamentary diplomacy a very important component of international politics of a country as a whole.

The dedication of the Parliament of Montenegro to parliamentary diplomacy is manifested through active participation in the meetings, which are organized within the regional initiatives, participating in the proceedings of parliamentary assemblies of international organizations, such as IPU, OSCE, NATO and Council of Europe, then, participating in the meetings that are organized within the semi-annual presiding over EU, and other forms of parliamentary gatherings.

Through participation in regional initiatives, the Parliament of Montenegro has shown its remarkably good cooperation with legislative bodies of countries in the region by giving support during the proceedings of parliamentary assemblies of international organizations.

The Parliament of Montenegro is a member of numerous regional initiatives, in which also participate regional parliamentary representatives of Western Balkans, as well as member states of EU, among which are the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP), Central European initiative (CEI), ADRIATIC-IONIAN INITIATIVE (AII).

During its presiding, the Parliament of Montenegro has organized many parliamentary gatherings, among which were the Parliamentary committee CEI-PD (April, 2010), Parliamentary assembly CEI-PD (November, 2010), Summit of the presidents of the parliaments SEECP (June, 2011). Since Montenegro has finished presiding, the following country to preside was the Republic of Serbia, that during its presiding has affirmed some of the ideas in the field of parliamentary cooperation. After its presiding over Central European initiative, the presiding has been taken over by FYR Macedonia.

The meetings within regional initiatives are being monitored equally at the level of MPs' , as well as at the level of national coordinators of Central European initiative, Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII), South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and the Cetinje parliamentary forum. In 2012, the Initial meeting of the presidents of the committees for international affairs of the region of Southeastern Europe was held, during which were presented the existing models of parliamentary cooperation of Nordic, Baltic and of Benelux countries, and during which were generally considered the possibilities for these actual models to be the base for the eventually specified activities of countries of the region of Southeastern Europe, through establishing a new parliamentary regional initiative.

Cetinje Parliamentary Forum (CPF): is the autochthonous regional initiative of parliamentary cooperation of the Southeast Europe countries on their way towards the EU. The Forum was initiated by the Parliament of the Republic of Montenegro, in cooperation with the Parliament of the former State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, in February 2004. The Forum aims at the strengthening of the parliamentary cooperation, exchange of knowledge and experiences and as a result, the overall improvement of bilateral and multilateral ties among countries of the region.

Since April 2009, six meetings of the Cetinje Parliamentary Forum were held, where parliamentarians from the region and partner countries, European Union members, together with representatives of governments, international organisations and civic sector discussed the current issues in the region in the field of foreign policy, education, culture, economy, security and other.

25 – 27 April 2010 – IX Cetinje Parliamentary Forum and the meeting of the Central European Initiative Parliamentary Dimension, titled “The Parliament’s Role in Combating Corruption and Organised Crime“, were held with the financial support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The Conference was attended by representatives of 13 countries, CEI-PD members as well as representatives of relevant international organisations, and it was opened by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić.

21 and 22 June 2010 – X Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, with the financial support of OSCE and UNDP, was held on the topic “Women, Peace and Security – United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325“. After the Forum, the third OSCE Regional meeting of women parliamentarians was held on the theme “Regional Overview of the Implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325”. Apart from countries participants of the CPF, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, NATO, OSCE, UNDP and DCAF, RCC, UNIFEM, OMiK/ Kosovo and CEENGI.

7 and 8 November 2010 - XI Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, in cooperation with the UNDP Office in Podgorica and the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC), was held on the theme “The Parliament’s Role in the System of Export and Import of Arms“. In addition to representatives of Montenegrin institutions and members of the Defence and Security Committee, the Forum was attended by members of defence and security committees of Albania, Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia.

5 and 6 May 2011 - The XII Cetinje Parliamentary Forum on the topic ”Parliamentary Oversight of the Defence and Security Sector“ was organised by the Parliament of Montenegro in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC). Participants of the Forum concluded, among else, that it was necessary to strengthen the parliament’s role and make it proactive, as well as the role of its working bodies in the process of oversight of defence and security sector.

2 and 3 February 2012 –The XIII Cetinje Parliamentary Forum was held on the topic XI Cetinje Parliamentary Forum “The Parliament’s Role in the System of Export and Import of Arms“XII Cetinje Parliamentary Forum “Parliamentary Oversight of the Defence and Security Sector“Performance Report of ohe 24th Convocation of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development”, in cooperation with the Konrad-AdenauerStiftung (KAS) and the NGO “Green Home”. Participants of the Forum were representatives of the parliaments of Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Serbia, Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, Office of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro, Office for the Southeast Europe of the International Union for Conservation of Nature as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps.

16 October 2012 – XIV Cetinje Parliamentary Forum was held on the theme “The Western Balkans towards Euro-Atlantic Integration”. The Forum was attended by more than 160 representatives of delegations of NATO PA member states, among which were countries of the region, as well as important guests. The work of the Forum was divided into three sessions dedicated to the topics: “Perspectives for NATO Enlargement in the Western Balkans: Options”, “European Union Membership: Still a Magnet for the Western Balkans?” and “Political Developments and the Way Ahead in Serbia”.

Standing delegations of the Parliament of Montenegro actively participate in the work of parliamentary dimensions of international organisations, primarily of the Organization for security and co-operation in Europe, Council of Europe, NATO and Interparliamentary union. The committed participation of parliamentary delegations that was shown through the participation, in terms of adopting important documents that are binding for the member states and the associate members (to NATO PA), and also the completed projects and organized visits, are the best acknowledgement of the successfully achieved cooperation, respectively, previously established cooperation, and as a result bears a guarantee and the promotion of the values that are nurtured by interantional organisations.

Parliamentary diplomacy, is especially manifested through the mechanism of Parliamentary frinedship groups, which surely represents an actual opportunity for the national parliaments to primarily improve not only the parliamntary cooperation, but also the overall cooperation of both sides in different spheres.

After Montenegro was granted candidate country status for EU membership, in December 17th, 2010, and taking into account that they fulfilled the condition, which enables the members of the Parliament of Montenegro, to participate as observers in the meetings in which are gathered representatives of national parliaments of member states of EU, that are organized during semi-annual rotating presiding over EU.

It is important to accentuate the importance of the possibility of active participation of representatives of the Parliament of Montenegro in the before-mentioned meetings, most of all for achieving regular political dialogue of Montenegrin MPs' with their colleagues from the national parliaments of EU (the person presiding, EU trio, but also other member states).

The first meetings in which have participated the delegations of the Parliament of Montenegro, were organized within the presiding of Hungary over EU, and later, the parliamentary delegations continued with their active participation in meetings that were organized withing the presiding of Poland, Denmark, Cyprus and Iceland.

Participation in meetings which are organized within the parliamentary dimension of semi-annual presidency over EU, have a special significance also because of the possibility of acquaintance with key economic, social, external-political and other issues referring to the viability of the functioning of the EU, as well as the establishment and improvement of parliamentary diplomacy with the EU member states and the possibility of participating in the discussion referring to these issues. Of all meetings which are held during the presiding, the meetings that can be singled out are meetings of the Committee Chairmen for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the Member States of the EU (COSAC), meetings of Committee Chairmen of the Foreign Affairs (COFACC), Inter-Parliamentary Conference for the Common Foreign And Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), as well as the Conference of the European Integration Parliamentary Committees (COSAP) and the Economic Forum.

Friendship Groups

Friendship groups are a form of parliamentary cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro and parliaments of other countries, which aims to improve the parliamentary and overall cooperation of Montenegro with those countries. Parliamentary friendship groups are formed on the basis of mutually expressed interests in cooperation of two sides.

In line with Article 42 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants cooperates and exchanges experiences with relevant working bodies of other parliaments and international institutions, by establishing joint bodies and friendship groups, undertaking joint actions and harmonising standards on issues of common interest.

Committee on International Relations and Emigrants founded the following Friendship Groups:


The Group is composed of the following MPs:

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Zoran Vukčević, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Predrag Sekulić, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Ms Branka Tanasijević, MA - Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Suljo Mustafić – Bosniak Party
7. Mr Džavid Šabović –  Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
8. Mr Miodrag Lekić, PhD – Democratic Front
9. Mr Vladislav Bojović – Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Srđan Perić – Positive Montenegro
12. Mr Genci Nimanbegu - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs:

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Ms  Marta Šćepanović - Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Radivoje Nikčević - Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Zoran Srzentić - Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Mićo Orlandić - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Almer Kalač – Bosniak Party
8. Mr Predrag Bulatović – Democratic Front
9. Mr Strahinja Bulajić, MD - Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Dritan Abazović, MA – Positive Montenegro
12. Ms Ljerka Dragičević – MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs:

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Ms Branka Tanasijević, MA - Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Željko Aprcović - Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Halil Duković, MD - Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Borislav Banović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
8. Mr Emilo Labudović - Democratic Front
9. Mr Koča Pavlović - Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Darko Pajović - Positive Montenegro
12. Mr Genci Nimanbegu - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs:

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Tarzan Milošević - Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić - Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Branko Čavor - Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Damir Šehović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Almer Kalač - Bosniak Party
8. Mr Milan Knežević - Democratic Front
9. Mr Strahinja Bulajić, MD - Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Mladen Bojanić - Positive Montenegro
12. Mr Fatmir Gjeka – MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs:

1. Mr Željko Šturanović
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Tarzan Milošević - Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Luiđ Škrelja - Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Filip Vuković, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Borislav Banović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
8. Mr Goran Danilović - Democratic Front
9. Ms Ljiljana Đurašković, PhD - Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Srđan Perić - Positive Montenegro
12. Mr Fatmir Gjeka - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs:

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Milutin Simović, MA - Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić - Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Filip Vuković, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Rifat Rastoder - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
8. Mr Almer Kalač - Bosniak Party
9. Mr Radovan Asanović, MD - Democratic Front
10. Mr Milutin Đukanović - Democratic Front
11. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
12. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr  Husnija Šabović – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr  Milorad Vuletić – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Srđa Popović, Docent, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Izet Bralić, Primarius - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
8. Mr Kemal Zoronjić - Bosniak Party
9. Mr Predrag Bulatović - Democratic Front
10. Mr Janko Vučinić - Democratic Front
11. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
12. Ms Ljerka Dragičević - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Saša Pešić – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Jovan Martinović – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Mićo Orlandić - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Kemal Zoronjić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Nebojša Medojević - Democratic Front
8. Ms Ljiljana Đurašković, PhD - Democratic Front
9. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
10. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Milutin Simović, MA – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Mevludin Nuhodžić -Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Slobodan Radović – Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Rifat Rastoder - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Almer Kalač - Bosniak Party
8. Mr Vladislav Bojović – Democratic Front
9. Mr Slaven Radunović – Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Branko Čavor – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Radovan Obradović – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Borislav Banović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Almer Kalač - Bosniak Party
7. Ms Branka Bošnjak, Docent, PhD – Democratic Front
8. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
9. Mr Srđan Perić – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Željko Šturanović
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Predrag Sekulić, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Zoran Jelić – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Zoran Srzentić – Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Rifat Rastoder - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
8. Mr Novica Stanić, MD – Democratic Front
9. Mr Milutin Đukanović – Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Goran Tuponja – Positive Montenegro
12. Fatmir Gjeka - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Željko Šturanović
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Zoran Jelić – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Ms Nada Drobnjak – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Džavid Šabović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Veljko Vasiljević – Democratic Front
8. Mr Emilo Labudović – Democratic Front
9. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
10. Mr Goran Tuponja – Positive Montenegro
11. Ms Ljerka Dragičević - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Željko Aprcović – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Ms Zorica Kovačević – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Mićo Orlandić - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Ms Jelisava Kalezić, Professor, PhD – Democratic Front
7. Mr Branka Bošnjak, Docent, PhD – Democratic Front
8. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
9. Mr Goran Tuponja – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD - Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Husnija Šabović - Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Jovan Martinović - Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Ms Draginja Vuksanović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Kemal Zoronjić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Milan Knežević – Democratic Front
8. Mr Novica Stanić, MD – Democratic Front
8. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
9. Mr Mladen Bojanić – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Genci Nimanbegu - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Rešid Adrović – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Luiđ Škrelja – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Mićo Orlandić - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Ms Branka Bošnjak, Docent, PhD – Democratic Front
7. Mr Vladislav Bojović – Democratic Front
8. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
9. Mr Dritan Abazović, MA – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Fatmir Gjeka - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Šefkija Murić – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Rešid Adrović – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Ms Draginja Vuksanović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Ms Jelisava Kalezić, Professor, PhD – Democratic Front
7. Mr Radovan Asanović, MD – Democratic Front
8. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
9. Mr Dritan Abazović, MD – Positive Montenegro
10. Ms Ljerka Dragičević - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Suljo Mustafić
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD– Democratic Party of Socialists
3.Mr Halil Duković, MD – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Šefkija Murić – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Milorad Vuletić – Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Damir Šehović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
7. Mr Kemal Zoronjić - Bosniak Party
8. Mr Veljko Vasiljević – Democratic Front
9. Mr Janko Vučinić – Democratic Front
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Dritan Abazović, MA – Positive Montenegro
12. Mr Genci Nimanbegu - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Ms Žana Filipović – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Radivoje Nikčević – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Zoran Vukčević, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
6. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Damir Šehović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
8. Mr Goran Danilović – Democratic Front
9.Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
10. Mr Srđan Perić – Positive Montenegro
11. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Željko Šturanović
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Ms Nada Drobnjak – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Mr Obrad Mišo Stanišić – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Džavid Šabović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Kemal Zoronjić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Novica Stanić, MD – Democratic Front
8. Mr Milan Knežević – Democratic Front
9. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
10. Mr Mladen Bojanić – Positive Montenegro
11. Mr Fatmir Gjeka - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Željko Šturanović
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Milutin Simović, MA – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Ms Žana Filipović – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Borislav Banović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Miodrag Lekić, PhD – Democratic Front
8. Mr Koča Pavlović – Democratic Front
9. Mr Darko Pajović – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Genci Nimanbegu - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG
12. Mr Fatmir Gjeka - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Željko Šturanović
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Milutin Simović, MA – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Ms Žana Filipović – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Izet Bralić, primarius - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Kemal Zoronjić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Nebojša Medojević – Democratic Front
8. Mr Strahinja Bulajić, MD – Democratic Front
9. Mr Goran Tuponja – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Ms Ljerka Dragičević - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG
12. Mr Fatmir Gjeka - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


 Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Branko Radulović, Professor, PhD
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Milutin Simović, MA – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Ms Žana Filipović – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Mr Izet Bralić, Primarius - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Almer Kalač – Bosniak Party
7. Mr Janko Vučinić – Democratic Front
8. Mr Slaven Radunović – Democratic Front
9. Mr Dritan Abazović, MA – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Ms Ljerka Dragičević - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG
12. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG


The Group is composed of the following MPs: 

1. Mr Željko Šturanović
2. Mr Miodrag Vuković, Professor, PhD – Democratic Party of Socialists
3. Mr Milutin Simović, MA – Democratic Party of Socialists
4. Ms Žana Filipović – Democratic Party of Socialists
5. Ms Draginja Vuksanović - Social Democratic Party of Montenegro
6. Mr Suljo Mustafić - Bosniak Party
7. Mr Veljko Vasiljević – Democratic Front
8. Mr Radovan Asanović, MD – Democratic Front
9. Mr Mladen Bojanić – Positive Montenegro
10. Mr Srđan Milić – Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro
11. Mr Andrija Popović - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG
12. Mr Genci Nimanbegu - MPs Club of Albanian parties (FORCA, DP) HGI and LPCG