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The Committee considered Proposal for the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2013.

The Committee discussed and gave positive opinion on the Proposal for the Law on the Budget of Montenegro for 2013. 

Predśednik Skupštine Crne Gore Ranko Krivokapić, danas je svečano uručio sertifikate, predstavnicima 17 crnogorskih osnovnih škola, koji su učestvovali u pilot projektu Demokratske radionice.

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić ceremoniously presented the certificates to representatives of 17 Montenegrin schools who participated in pilot project Democratic Workshops.

The Committee supported the Proposal of the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2013.

The Committee supported the Proposal for the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2013 in the section regarding education, science, culture and sport.

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms considered Proposal for the Law on Budget of Montenegro for 2013.

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić ceremoniously presented the certificates to representatives of 17 Montenegrin schools who participated in pilot project Democratic Workshops. 

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