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During the continuation of the Autumn Session, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) discussed on the protection of unaccompanied migrant minors and the act of violence against women and children in the form of female genital mutilation.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović today received delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly for monitoring parliamentary elections in Montenegro, led by Head of the observation mission Mr Azay Quliyev and special coordinator Ms Margareta Cederfelt.

Wednesday, 12. October 2016. 21:19

PACE Autumn Session continued

The Assembly discussed on sport, cooperation with the International Criminal Court and political consequences of the Ukraine conflict

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović today will receive delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly for monitoring the parliamentary elections in Montenegro, composed of Head of the observation mission Mr Azay Quliyev and special coordinator Ms Margareta Cederfelt.

Mr Pajović: With drones we protect the national parks in an effective manner

Tuesday, 11. October 2016. 22:06

Meeting of the General Committee of CEI-PD held

Head of the Permanent Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the Parliamentary Dimension of the Central European Initiative Mr Miodrag Vuković took part in the meeting in Ljubljana.


Tuesday, 11. October 2016. 21:14

Day two of the PACE Autumn Session

Member of Delegation of the Parliament to PACE Ms Snežana Jonica chaired the meeting of the Sub-Committee on Disability and Inclusion

Member of Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro to the PACE Ms Snežana Jonica is participating in the session

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