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On the occasion of 13 July - Statehood Day of Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović extended the following congratulatory message:

During the official visit paid by Speaker of the Albanian Parliament Mr Ilir Meta, Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Suljo Mustafić hosted a working lunch attended, inter alia, by MPs Mr Goran Tuponja, Mr Aleksandar Damjanović, Mr Nikola Gegaj, Mr Almer Kalač and Mr Nik Gjeloshaj.

Multiple proposals for laws considered

Tuesday, 12. July 2016. 17:37

Meeting Mr Pajović - Mr Carpenter

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović today has received Mr Michael Carpenter, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense of the USA.

Tuesday, 12. July 2016. 15:31

Meeting Mr Pajović - Mr Zannier

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Darko Pajović today received Secretary General of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Mr Lamberto Zannier.

Speaker of the Albanian Parliament guest at the Sitting 

The Committee considered one item of the agenda

The awards were won by - Mr Miladin Šobić, Mr Miorad Popović and Mr Igor Đurović. Mr Veljko Bulajić is a winner of the lifetime achievement award.

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