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In accordance with the Decision reached on the fifth meeting, held on 25th February, members of the Security and Defense Committee will, in line with the Article 15, paragraph 2, item 2 of the Law on parliamentary oversight in the field of security and defense, visit the Criminal Police Sector of the Police Directorate, on Thursday, 28th February 2013.

In Regional School of Public Administration (ReSP) in Danilovgrad, the Draft Law on General Administrative Procedure was presented on 19th March 2013.

The topic of the Meeting will be conclusions and recommendations from the Report of OEBS/ODIHR on the occasion of held parliamentary elections

Topic: ”What is  the gender of security? UN Resolution 1325 Women, Peace and Security: Global – Regional – Local”, which is being held in Banja Luka, on 27th and 28th February 2013

The importance of cooperation of two parliaments in the area of European integration emphasized  .

The Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 27th February, 2013 in the facilities of the Delegation of the European Union in Montenegro

The Working Group for Drafting the Proposal for Resolution on European Integrations, consisting of Mr. Branko Radulović, professor PhD, Head of the Working Group, Mr. Miodrag Vuković, docent PhD, member, Mr. Aleksandar Damjanović, MA, member and Mr. Damir Šehović, MA, member, was formed by the Conclusion of the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, adopted at its fourth meeting, held on 26th November, 2012.

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