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No obstacles for opening negotiations for this chapter

The Public Debate will be held in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, on Tuesday, 24 April 2014  

Deputy Chairperson of the Committee was elected and several documents of the Government were considered

The public debate will be held on 14 April 2014, in hotel “Podgorica”, starting at 10:00 a.m.

Spreading awareness about European values ​​among young people important for the future of Montenegro

In order to bring the negotiation process closer to the citizens, members of the Committee on European Integration will hold a public debate with the high-school students of the Gymnasium “Cetinje”, as well as a meeting with the representatives of the Old Royal Capital, tomorrow, on 9 April. 

The importance of the inter-parliamentary cooperation and oversight role of parliaments in the negotiation process was pointed out.

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