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The amendment to the Proposal for the Resolution on Manner, Quality and Dynamics of the Integration Process of Montenegro to the European Union was adopted, and the Proposal for Montenegro Accession Programme to the EU and the Information on Bilateral Cooperation of Montenegro with the EU Member States were presented.

Sixteenth meeting of the Committee on European Integration, which was supposed to be held on Monday 23 December 2013, has been postponed.

Positive opinion was provided on the Proposal for 2014 Budget Law of Montenegro in part relating to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. 

The topic to be covered in the meeting will be the role of the Committee in the European integration process.

Germany supports Montenegro in its integration processes

The importance of regional cooperation and inclusion of all relevant actors in the process of implementation of political and economic reforms was pointed out. 

European Policy Summit titled “Western Balkans: Fast Lane, Slow Lane” is organised by the organisation “Friends of Europe”, in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation, and the media partner European World

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