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Positive opinion on the Draft of negotiation position for the Chapter 26 – Education and Culture delivered, and the Work Plan for the Committee for 2013 adopted.

Predśednik Odbora za evropske integracije Slaven Radunović sastao se 15. februara 2013. godine sa zamjenikom ambasadora Savezne Republike Njemačke Olaf Peškeom.

Importance of Atlantic Integration and raising the level of informing the public on that process.

It was pointed out to the importance of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro in negotiation process.

U organizaciji NVO CDT-Centar za demokratsku tranziciju, u okviru projekta „Euphoria – podizanje javne svijesti o procesu evropskih integracija“ koji se realizuje uz podršku Ambasade Kraljevine Holandije, 25. januara 2013. godine održana je Konferencija na temu „Informisanje građana o evropskim integracijama – šanse, izazovi i ograničenja“.

The importance of active role of the Parliament in the negotiation process with the European Union was emphasized.

Members of the Committee on European Integration will meet on Thursday, 17th January, 2013 the Deputy Director General for Enlargement in the European Commission, Mr. Jost Korte.

The necessity of good communication between the Committee on European Integration and the Government of Montenegro pointed out.

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