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Significance of regional cooperation and providing support to countries aspiring to become EU members was pointed out

Annual coordination meeting of representatives of the European Parliament and national correspondents of the parliaments of Western Balkans and Turkey will be held in Bar on Tuesday 28th October 2014. 

The importance of joint action of all society stakeholders in achieving European values emphasised 

Friday, 17. October, Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, at 14.30h

Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro Mitja Drobnič presented the European Commission’s 2014 Progress Report on Montenegro 

Annex to 2014 Progress Report on Montenegro of the European Commission for the period 1 April to 1 September 2014 was supported at the meeting, and the First and Second Quarterly Report on all activities within the process of integration of Montenegro to the EU were presented.    

The meeting also discussed the monitoring activities of the Committee on European Integration in terms of spending IPA funds, objectives and structure of IPA II financial framework for 2014-2020, as well as the cooperation with COSAP initiative. 

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