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The aim of the visit is to introduce students with activities of the Parliament of Montenegro, its organization, competences and functions and to raise awareness of young people of its significance.

In his introductory speech, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić said that he was exceptionally pleased that he was opening the happiest parliament in the world, for the fourth time, pointing out that it was immeasurable that the children each time would bring in and share their joy and expectations within the walls of this Montenegrin building, where the decisions on Montenegro were being made.

President of Montenegro, Mr. Filip Vujanović, addressing participants of the Plenary Sitting with the topic “Enlargement and the future of NATO” also spoke of Montenegro’s progress regarding Euro-Atlantic integration and aspiration toward a full-fledged NATO membership.

Regional workshop on efficient work of parliamentary committees, which was held in Bratislava, under the auspices of NDI’s Western Balkans Legislative Strengthening Initiative, resulted in exchange of experiences between the representatives of the parliaments of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia and their colleagues from the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic.

At the invitation of the Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC), the conference was opened by the Member of the Parliament  Mr. Mevludin Nuhodžić.

At the invitation of the Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC), the conference shall be opened today by the Member of the Parliament Mr. Mevludin Nuhodžić.

The upcoming regional meeting, organized under the auspices of NDI’s Western Balkans Legislative Strengthening Initiative, is aimed at using the experiences of the Czech Republic and Slovakia on the efficient work of committees.

Good practices regarding organization of research and library activities were exchanged.

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