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Izložba povodom Dana parlamentarizma

Povodom 31. oktobra, Dana parlamentarizma, u Galeriji „Art“ u Podgorici, u poneđeljak u 11 sati, biće otvorena izložba radova iz umjetničke kolekcije Skupštine Crne Gore.…

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  1. Activities of Working Bodies
  2. Meetings of Working Bodies
Vuković na XII međunarodnoj konferenciji ECPD
28. October 2016.
Vuković na XII međunarodnoj konferenciji ECPD Beograd, 28. i 29. oktobar 2016. godine
Sastanak delegacija Odbora za ekonomiju, finansije i budžet i MMF-a
27. October 2016.
Sastanak delegacija Odbora za ekonomiju, finansije i budžet i MMF-a Predśednik i zamjenik predśednika Odbora, Aleksandar Damjanović i Damir Šehović, sastali su se sa delegacijom Međunarodnog monetarnog fonda (MMF), koja boravi u Crnoj Gori, kako bi pružila tehničku podrške za postavljanje makroprudencionog okvira i vođenje makroprudencione politike.
Mr Miodrag Vuković participates in St. Luka’s gathering
22. October 2016.
Mr Miodrag Vuković participates in St. Luka’s gathering Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Miodrag Vuković participated in the event “St. Luka’s gathering”, held today in the organisation of the National Community of Montenegrins in Croatia and Association of Montenegrins and friends of Montenegro "Montenegro" Zagreb.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava ends
18. October 2016.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava ends Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro - Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget Mr Aleksandar Damjanović and member of the Committee Mr Veljko Zarubica participated in the conference.   
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava begins
17. October 2016.
Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava begins Within the parliamentary dimension of the semi-annual Slovak presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union has been opened in Bratislava today
Mr Damjanović and Mr Zarubica at the Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava
17. October 2016.
Mr Damjanović and Mr Zarubica at the Interparliamentary Conference in Bratislava Session on strengthening the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union and on fight against tax evasion

Contact: Secretariat of the Committee on European Integration


telephone: +382 20 404 553

telephone /fax: +382 20 404 541

Parliamentarians of the countries included in the Stabilisation and Association Process of the South-East Europe have regularly been pointing out that a clear and undisputable perspective of a full-fledged EU membership represented the most necessary and the most effective incentive for achieving and implementing reforms in the countries of the South-East Europe, and the promotion of regional cooperation and stability, or an internal democratic, economic and social development. In that respect, the participants in the Conference of Chairpersons of the Foreign Policy and European Integration Parliamentary Committees of the National Parliaments of the Countries Participating in the South East European Process (SEECP), held in Bucharest, Romania, on 24-25 March 2005, decided to establish a regional form of parliamentary cooperation of the European integration committees (Item 10 of the Conference Action Plan).

The COSAP was founded in Sarajevo, in June 2015, as a result of the conclusions of the Thessaloniki Summit 2003. It was conceived as a forum aimed at promoting fundamental internal reforms based on the joint aspiration towards the EU integration.

At the meeting in Sarajevo, the rules of procedure were adopted, stipulating that the Conference shall have a rotating presidency and meet biannually to consider current issues regarding the Stabilisation and Association Process and the EU enlargement, also introducing the Troika (former, current and future chair) as a format of action.

The COSAP is a confirmation of readiness of the countries participants with regard to implementation of reforms based on the EU values, which imply development of democracy, rule of law, observation of human rights and freedoms, tolerance, and mutual understanding leading to consolidation and reconciliation. 

The COSAP has a clear agenda and perspective of strengthening cooperation between the European integration committees, with significant help provided by the European Parliament. It can be considered a successful and functional network with a clear agenda.