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At its 104th meeting held today, regarding the current state of the environment in Municipality of Pljevlja, the Collegium of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro considered the Report by the Committee on Tourism, Agriculture, Ecology and Spatial Planning with the proposal of Conclusions. 

Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms on the 43rd meeting held today considered the 2013 Information on international legal proceedings against Montenegro before the European Court of Human Rights, submitted by the Representative of Montenegro before the European Court of Human Rights, Zoran Pažin.

The Committee considered three items of the agenda

The Committee has established the Proposal for the Decision on appointing President and two members of the Council of the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information 

At today’s 38th meeting, the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants has supported, by a majority of votes, the proposal for appointing Ms Dragica Ponorac as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Montenegro to the French Republic, who will perform her duty on residential basis, in Paris.

Positive opinion on the Report on the course of European Integration of Montenegro for the period January - June 2014 adopted

At today’s meeting, the Commission has considered the privatisation procedure of “MMK Standard” JSC Nikšić

On day five of the Seventh Sitting of the Second Ordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2014, the resignation of MP Kemal Zoronjić was noted, and discussion on the Proposal for the 2015 Budget Law of Montenegro initiated. 

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