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The seminar with the aim of exchange opinions of Italy, Bulgaria and the Balkans in the area of research, confiscation and administration of property obtained in criminal activities was held on 7th March, 2013, in Hotel Crna Gora.

At the fourth meeting of the Constitutional Committee held today, issues relating to the State Prosecution were discussed, with emphasis to the recommendations from the Opinion of the Venice Commission.

Four proposals for the laws considered

Mr. Perks announced projects which were to be conducted and be beneficial for Montenegro and its citizens.

The aim of the meeting is agreement on details of planned study visit of members of members of the Security and Defense Committee to the Parliament of Croatia.

Reports on overall activities within the process of stabilization and association and reports on realization of obligations from the Agreement on Stabilization and Association for 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter of 2013 considered.

Chairman of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Halil Duković, PhD and members of the Committee, Ms. Ljerka Dragičević and Mr. Dritan Abazović, MA held the meeting today with the Delegation from Albania, consisting of MPs, representatives of Ombudsman, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Education and disabled persons.

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