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It was pointed out that Montenegro, as a member state, is expected to create sustainable legislative framework which will allow full compliance of the Energy Law and the Law on Energy Efficiency with existing and new directives of the Energy Community.

The Chairman of the Security and Defense Committee, Mr. Mevludin Nuhodžić will meet on Thursday, 21st February, 2013, H.E. Vladimir Gasparič, the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in Podgorica

The Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget started the discussion on implementation of the conclusions of the Parliament of Montenegro regarding consideration of Proposals for financial plans with the work plans of the independent regulatory bodies for 2013 (No: 33/12-2/48) and decided to define assessments and positions that should be the framework for amendments to the financial plans of regulators for 2013, during the continuation of the meeting.

PACE Election Observation Mission will observe the elections with the aim to assess the presidential elections with regard to fulfilling the criteria of a democratic election process.

The Chairman of the Anti-corruption Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Predrag Bulatović, met with the Head of Department for Montenegro and Croatia to the Directorate General of the European Commission, Mr. Dirk Lange and the ambassador H.E. Mr. Mitja Drobnič, Head of the EU Delegation in Montenegro.

Initial meeting of the Working Group held today.

The meeting will be held on Thursday, 14th March, 2013 at 1:00 pm.

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