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On the occasion of 31st October – The Day of Montenegrin Parliamentarism established by the Parliament of Montenegro, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Ranko Krivokapić extended the following message to the citizens of Montenegro:

“Esteemed citizens of Montenegro,

in memory of 9th November 1938, when all over Germany and Austria, during the “crystal night”, the Nazis arrested, killed and took to concentration camps more than 20 thousand Jews, destroyed and pillaged their stores and apartments, burned books, the International Day of Fight Against Fascism  and Anti-Semitism is being commemorated all over the world.

Mr. Krivokapić and Mr. Baška agreed that Montenegro and Slovakia have great possibilities for cooperation.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić extended congratulatory message on the occasion of upcoming Kurban-Bayram to Reis of Islamic community in Montenegro Mr. Rifat Fejzić and all citizens of Islamic denomination:

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message regarding the Day of the Old Royal Capital of Cetinje to Mr. Aleksandar Bogdanović, the Mayor of Cetinje, Mr. Milutin Vuković, president of the Local Assembly and to councilors and citizens of Cetinje:

„Esteemed Montenegrin Old Royal Capital,

proud citizens of Cetinje,

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić extended congratulatory message on the occasion of Municipality Day of Herceg Novi – 28th October, to the president of the Municipality Mr. Dejan Mandić, president of the Local Assembly Ms. Danijela Đurović, councilors and citizens of Herceg Novi:

Topics of the meeting were - exchange of opinions regarding current political situation in Montenegro after parliamentary elections and relations between Montenegro and the EU.

“’The sudden departure of your closest is difficult and irreplaceable loss for your families and for their numerous friends and colleagues as well.

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