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President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić delivered today certificates to primary school students from Montenegro who participated in Democracy Workshops on topics “Democracy and Parliament” and “European Union” in the period 7 Jun – 24 December 2013.

Member of the Parliament of Montenegro Genci Nimanbegu visited “Democracy Workshops” of the Parliament of Montenegro today, speaking on that occasion with students – members of Children’s Parliament of the Primary School “Maršal Tito” from Ulcinj

The President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić and the Secretary General of the Council of Europe Mr Thorbjørn Jagland visited “Democracy Workshops” of the Parliament of Montenegro today, where they spoke with the students of the class VI-c of the Primary School “Štampar Makarije“ on the topic “Democracy and parliament”.

Following the tour of the building of the Parliament, the children followed the Sitting of the Parliament, live from the citizens’ lounge 

The MP of the Parliament of Montenegro Ms Ljerka Dragičević visited the democracy workshops of the Parliament of Montenegro today, where she spoke with the students of the class VIII-3 of the primary school “Stefan Mitrov Ljubiša” from Budva. 

The activities within celebration of the International Day of Democracy were continued today, under this year’s slogan “Strengthening Voices for Democracy”, in the Parliament of Montenegro.

The Parliament of Montenegro joined the celebration of the International Day of Democracy by implementing the activities under this year’s slogan “Strengthening Voices for Democracy”.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ranko Krivokapić today awarded certificates to students of primary schools from Montenegro who participated in democracy workshops titled “Democracy and parliament” in the period from 20 December 2012 until 5 June 2013.


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