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The Chairman of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Slaven Radunović, and a member of the Committee, Mr. Predrag Sekulić, PhD, will pay an official visit to Romania, in the period from 17th to 20th March, at the invitation of the Chairwoman of the Committee on the European Affairs of the Senate of Romania, Ms. Anca Boagiu

Reports on overall activities within the process of stabilization and association and reports on realization of obligations from the Agreement on Stabilization and Association for 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarter of 2013 considered.

Importance of the transparency of the negotiating process emphasized.

The meeting of the members of the Committee on European Integrations with the MP of German Bundestag Mr. Manuel Sarrazin and his associates will be held on Tuesday, 5th March 2013.

Finland will provide necessary expertise help to Montenegro.

The continuation of cooperation of legislative bodies of Montenegro and Romania announced.

Predśednik Odbora za evropske integracije Slaven Radunović, članovi Odbora Dritan Abazović i Genci Nimanbegu, poslanik Kemal Zoronjić, predstavnici Vlade, Parlamenta i nevladinih organizacija iz Crne Gore, Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Makedonije, Hrvatske i Albanije učestvovali su na seminaru koji je u periodu od 23. do 26. februara 2013. godine održan u Subotici. Tema seminara bila je „Reforma sektora bezbjednosti u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana“.

Član Odbora za evropske integracije Predrag Bulatović, sastao se 21. februara 2013. godine sa direktorom Fondacije Konrad Adenauer Henrijem Bonetom.

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