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The reception is to be held in the Cabinet of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting at 4:30 pm.

MEPs voiced pleasure over continuous progress of Montenegro on its path to the European Union, thus earning to be the only country in the region to begin the accession negotiations.

PACE observers praised Montenegrin legislative election framework and expressed belief that forthcoming presidential elections will be fair and free.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr.Ranko Krivokapić received today in Podgorica the Head of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe – PACEfor monitoring upcoming presidential elections in Montenegro, Mr. Christopher Chope.

On the occasion of the Municipality Day of Ulcinj, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić extended a congratulatory message to citizens, the president of the Municipality Mr. Nazif Cungu, president of the Local Assembly Mr. Milazim Mustafa, and the councillors of the Ulcinj Assembly:

“Dear Students,

In times of great challenges, states need energy and strength that will shape with their wisdom into ability of positive responses to the challenges. We may reach wisdom only by knowledge and ideas.

Minister of Justice, Mr Duško Marković submitted to the Parliament of Montenegro information that court proceeding was not pending, thus fulfilling procedural conditions for the Parliament to consider this item of the Agenda.

Friday, 29. March 2013. 09:57

Meeting Krivokapić - Stenzler

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr. Ranko Krivokapić held talks today with representatives of the Jewish National Fund headed by Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr. Efi Stenzler.