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MP Mr Genci Nimanbegu today met with H.E. Mr Roman Hloben, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Montenegro. The topic of Montenegro’s integration to NATO and EU was discussed at the meeting.

On Thursday 16 June 2016, MP Mr Genci Nimanbegu will meet with H.E. Mr Roman Hloben, Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Montenegro.

At today’s sitting of the Hungarian Parliament, the NATO Accession Protocol for Montenegro has been ratified. 

Posebna pažnja posvećena rodnoj ravnopravnosti i ljudskim pravima žena

Topic “Interaction of political groups, parties, and the government in the process of European integration”

Within continuous and overall efforts for improvement of work and strengthening of the Parliamentary Service, especially through implementation of measures envisaged by the Action Plan for Strengthening the Legislative and Oversight Role, in the course of this year the Parliament of Montenegro has achieved significant results in the process of meeting standards significant for improvement of its work and its role in the process of European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Regarding the unobjective information published today in certain media, which refers to entering the building of the Parliament by persons whose presence was requested by the MP Group of the Democratic Front, and for the purpose of providing the public with truthful information, we believe that we need to clarify the relevant facts once more.

Member of the European Parliament and Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Mr Ivo Vajgl, who is also a parliamentary rapporteur for Macedonia, has expressed his desire to meet with representatives of the MP Group of Albanian party FORCA, HGI and LPCG.

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