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Skupština Crne Gore

In line with Article 49 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 88/9, 80/10, 39/11, 25/12, 49/13, 32/14 and 42/15), and with regard to Article 180 paragraph 3 of the Law on Insurance (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 78/06 and 19/07 and “Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 53/09, 73/10, 40/11, 45/12 and 06/13), extends: 

Thursday, 18. February 2016. 13:52

Administrative Committee holds its 63rd meeting

The Committee has determined a List of timely and complete proposals of candidates for two members of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media

Monday, 28. December 2015. 12:48

Administrative Committee holds its 62nd meeting

The Committee decided to propose to the Parliament to note the completion of the procedure for the appointment of members of the Council for Civilian Control of Police Operations

Wednesday, 23. December 2015. 15:26

Administrative Committee: Public notice

In line with Article 24 of the Electronic Media Law (Official Gazette of MNE, No 46/10, 40/11, 53/11 and 6/13), the Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro issues a renewed pubic notice:

Monday, 21. December 2015. 11:57

Administrative Committee holds its 61st meeting

The Committee gave approval to the Rulebook on Supplement to the Rulebook on Internal Organisation and Job Scheme of the State Election Commission

Monday, 07. December 2015. 14:38

Administrative Committee holds its 60th meeting

The Committee established a proposal for the appointment of one member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media

Tuesday, 17. November 2015. 15:54

Administrative Committee holds its 59th meeting

The Committee did not determine the Proposal for the list for appointment of three members of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media by authorised proposers

Monday, 09. November 2015. 13:31

Administrative Committee holds its 58th meeting

Requests of the High and Basic Public Prosecutor’s Offices considered

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