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Delegation of the Security and Defence Committee will participate at the regional conference “Positive practices with regards to protection of the human rights of armed forces personnel”, to be held in Sarajevo, 21st and 22nd 2013.

At the Sixth Meeting of the Security and Defence Committee, the proposal of the Prime Minister  of the Government of Montenegro  for appointing the Head of the Military  Intelligence and Security Affairs Department in the Ministry of Defence considered.

On the last day of the study visit, members of the Security and Defense Committee met with their colleagues from the Committee for Internal Affairs and National Security and Defense Committee of the Croatian Parliament, with whom they exchanged experiences and pointed out challenges in the work of these parliamentary working bodies.

On their second day of study visit, the members of the Committee on Security and Defence have visited the following institutions: the Ministry of Defence, Security and Intelligence Agency and the National Protection and Rescue Directorate of Republic of Croatia.

During the first day of the visit, after the greetings of the project coordinator, Ms. Teodora Fuior,  Mr. Dejan Jović, PhD spoke on the topic “Croatian Foreign Policy and Regional Perspectives, while Mr. Vlatko Cvrtila, PhD spoke on the topic “Development of Security–Intelligent System of the Republic of Croatia”.

Geneva Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) invited members and the service of the Security and Defense Committee to pay a study visit to the Republic of Croatia from 5th to 8th March, 2013.

As part of the implementation of the Decision from the fifth meeting of the Committee, the Chairman and members of the Committee visited the Criminal Police Sector of the Police Directorate.

In accordance with the Decision reached on the fifth meeting, held on 25th February, members of the Security and Defense Committee will, in line with the Article 15, paragraph 2, item 2 of the Law on parliamentary oversight in the field of security and defense, visit the Criminal Police Sector of the Police Directorate, on Thursday, 28th February 2013.

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